1. Have you ever had angry sex?
hmm...interestingly enough, no i havent...but i do fantasize about it...
2. Pity sex?
oh yes...twice...actually, i thought maybe it would be good...but it was too emotional from the other end so i ended up feeling distanced from it altogether...a very strange feeling...
3. "Oh, well, I might as well" sex?
once...i have this impulsive streak that i try really hard to suppress...dont ask...just of one of my many idiosyncracies...
4. One-of-you-knew-it-was-goodbye-and-the-other-didnt sex?
5. Don't remember having it sex?
nope...at least i dont think so...;)
6. Regret-it-afterward sex?
no...i dont believe in regretting things...i imagine how things would be if i would have made different choices...but what's done is done...all i can do is learn from it...or at least try...
7. Can't remember his/her name sex?
8. Never knew his/her name sex?
Bonus: Worst single sexual experience of your life?
other than that really awkward first sex?...hmm...i guess that would be it...it was terrible...lol...just really bad...i think i posted about it once a long time ago...
there were a lot of no's on the that list...but then again, i dont do the whole "what's your name?" sex thing...just doesnt work for me...
1 curious people say...:
1. yes...very intense and when we were done we had no idea what we were angry about....
2. yes....
3. yes. very unfulfilling usually...
4. heh, yes....I was the one that didn't know it.
5. um.....I think so?
6. yes.
7. *sigh* yes....
8. no.
bonus: girl I met at a bar that was so dry in both mouth and pussy that it literally hurt being in her anywhere.
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