Thursday, June 4, 2009

twittering is like...

getting fucked over and over...only your pussy never says "ENOUGH!!"...

i just had to post some tweets so you can see why i havent been blogging lately as much...

it's like a having a great big conversation using lots of post it notes all over the place so that people can see what you are saying and stalk the person you are saying it to...

IsabellaSnowWhy do so many men state how many kids they have in their Twitter bio? And why are so many women willing to have 6 or 7 kids?!?!?

Ryleigh_Thorne@isabellasnow at 6 or 7 kids, you are a new classification of mother.. called sheep herder

IsabellaSnowSomeone has just found my blog by googling *dildo made of snow* Am thinking you'd have to be quick if you wanted to O with one of those...

avidcuriosity@IsabellaSnow dildo made of a dick-sicle??

avidcuriosity@Ryleigh_Thorne hell, why close your fucking legs...leave'em open and lubed so you can spit'em out rocket launcher!

Ryleigh_Thorne@avidcuriosity It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye from a projectile silver bullet! Eye protection.. be prepared

Ryleigh_Thorne@avidcuriosity.. ohhh were you talking about babies? I was thinking sex toys... imagine that

Ryleigh_ThorneThinking about projectile sex toys now... wonder what a suicide bomber would do if you threw a dildo at him

avidcuriosity@Ryleigh_Thorne he'd say..."i'm cumming! i'm cumming!"

avidcuriosityprojectile sex toys ...the latest in extreme fetishes..dont forget to do your kegels!

Ryleigh_Thorne@avidcuriosity.. i thought he'd be saying.. "i'm blowing! I'm blowing!"

Ryleigh_ThorneProjectile sex toys.. perhaps a new Olympic sport?

avidcuriosity@Ryleigh_Thorne lmao...this conversation is in serious need of a drink or two...

Ryleigh_Thorne@avidcuriosity... a drink..coochie pop? or cum honey?

avidcuriosity@Ryleigh_Thorne a jizz spritzer...or perhaps some pussy punch

Ryleigh_ThorneNote to self.... need to create an alcoholic beverage that tastes like pussy.

isnt sad when i use my tweets to form a blog post?? other news, i will be out of town in a couple of weeks for a about a week and a half...i wont be blogging, but i will be tweeting!...i'll let ya know when i'll be gone so you can check out the tweets...

curse you, comfy, for turning me to the dark side of twitter...*runs away sobbing*...i am weak! so weak!


4 curious people say...:

Ryleigh Thorne said...

hahahaha!!!! this is fanfuckingtabulous! Seriously i was thinking of doing the same thing!

curiousgirl said...

oh, do it!! it!! (give in to the peer pressure, you know you wanna)



comfydildo said...

mwah ha ha! Now that I've lowered your defenses with twitter you never know what I'll spring on you next only to realize you loved it when it's all over... Wait, that sounds like I'm gonna rape you... Well I might do that too... lol

Anonymous said...

LOL! You perverts kept that up all night!! Saucy tarts. ;-)