Tuesday, April 24, 2007

limited freedom

there seems to be a misconception that we americans have this unlimited freedom...what they do not seem to realize is that those "freedoms" are "priveleges"...

...we are priveleged to be able to vote for our country's leaders...
...we are priveleged to be able to cover or uncover our heads (women)...
...we are priveleged to be able to challenge our judicial system through appeals court...
...we are priveleged to be able to make choices regarding our clothes, education (you can choose private or public), and nearly every other choice we take for granted...
...we are priveleged to be able to embrace the religion of our choice...
...we are priveleged to be able to complain about our government openly...
...we are priveleged to be able to access the internet with unrestricted access...
...we are priveleged to be able to rise above our beginnings...

these "inalienable" rights are only that because of the word "right"...we must never forget it isnt a right everywhere...to take something for granted means you will never even know when it is being taken away...

we must understand the balance in which our world sits...no man is an island...and neither is america....and americans forget...america is part of a greater america....central america, southamerica...we alienate ourselves from the rest of the world through the political maneuvers of our leaders and through our own lack of understanding of the big picture...

one day it could all disappear...

respect the priveleges granted...respect that they are granted to more than one person...respect that it gives you the things you value today...and the way you will live tomorrow...

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