Wednesday, April 15, 2009

it's up!

okay, everyone, if you ever wanted to know what i sound like (somewhat, lol) go check out passages!! topic is "despair", btw...

let me know what ya'll think!...


4 curious people say...:

bdenied said...

You sound smart, sweet, young, sexy, dramatic, articulate, and sensual all combined.

curiousgirl said...

wow, that had me smiling!...thanks... evidently, however, my "accent" appears to be missing...funny, that...


bdenied said...

I did not detect too much of an accent, and I am really good at detecting them...its a hobby of mine...but I bet if you have one it will make its way into conversational speech rather than "readings" or recitals......

aka k said...

I'm not sure which accent is "missing". One seems alive and well and very sexy. But then we (brits) hear accents in everyone not speaking the "Received Pronunciation" lol