Sunday, September 5, 2010

all's right with the world

let's begin by shooing "whiny girl" out the door:

*takes broom and sweeps out mopey, whiny girl and gives her a firm swat on the bottom with the straw end of the broom - slams door*

*opens door again and shouts, "yeah, and dont come back here anymore! you whine too much!"

lol...seriously, men have NO idea how hormones can make women wacky...its like living with a split personality at' sho'..i have a couple of other things on my mind that i have told a couple of you about, nothing major, just little things that get the hamster rolling around...yeah, he rolls around...laughing at me...nasty little bugger...

so i talked with the young'un and he basically said "i love that you are always turned on, i just dont know what to do with you"...

bdenied and his wife had a good laugh over that one!

but here's something funny: i went to purchase a new toy and my cc was declined..i thought i entered something wrong but it didnt go through...i, and i cant even call the cc company and ask what's up bc that would be an awkward convo:

person: hello, thank you for calling abc cc company, how can i help today?

me: yes, i was just trying to make an online purchase and it was declined. i pay off the balance regularly so i know it isnt an issue of reaching the limit.

person: hmm, well let's see if we can find out the problem. can you tell me what you were trying to purchase?

me: um, a vibrator...

person: ...

honestly, i am sure these people see and hear about all kinds of purchases people i certainly didnt want to try and see how that would go!...perhaps its just as well, because i really wanted this other one anyhow, but it was a bit more expensive...odd how the more expensive transaction went through! lol

all's well that ends well!...


2 curious people say...:

Anonymous said...

you should have opened that conversation, just for the amusement of seeing where it would go.

bdenied said...

a very interesting dillema...I once lost my password to a sexualy orientied site...Ithought the place that billed me was the site but it was not.. should have heard the guy laughing when he found out it was sexaully oriented site...not a porn site but the subject matter was shall we say....delicate.