Sunday, October 25, 2009

not as bad as last weekend

no, i didnt crawl to bed with my pants falling behind me...i did better :)

anyhow, once again we ran into the "bamas" (we do that every so often which is odd because they travel a lot and are extremely mobile)...they throw back their beers like the world is about to end and they want to imbibe as much bud light as they can...then they wonder "man, i must be tired i think i'm getting drunk"...hmm...could the fact that you have had 4 beers in the last 30 minutes be a contributing factor?...that and you just keep going at that pace?...

but an interesting factoid emerged...another night little cg and i had gone out and met up with 2 of the 'bamas (i think there are like 4 or 5 of them? maybe?) and then towards the end of the night, one of them seemed to just take off and left the other one stranded (i wanna say that i blogged about this when it happened but i spent a few minutes looking for it and said fuck it, if you are that curious go do your own damn scavenger hunt!)

we were pissed because we had to take his fucking ass home...he called his friend and his friend "supposedly" left and wasnt coming back for him...i say "supposedly" because the friend that left him was one of the 'bamas we ran into last night and his version of the story was a teeny bit different...

his story: "he told me to leave that he was going home with ya'll...and now i hear that he made me to look like the bad guy!...he's a damn liar is what he is"...

hmm...interesting...but, we arent stupid girls...we dont always make the smartest choices, but we are not THAT stupid and we just took that other guy home that night...oh, he asked lil cg if he could come home and she said "hell no! we'll take you home and drop you off"

ah, what a, friends, and OB...


2 curious people say...:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what happened here, but it seems to me that anyone who drinks four beers in a half hour isn't going to be much fun in bed till he sleeps it off.

Percy said...

the bamas... LOL.. so he 'THOUGHT' he was going to score with BOTH you and little cg?.. my, my.. maybe Bud Light does that to the brain! ;)
I don't drink that so...