my email:
oh he is so deliciously innocent i feel like a vampire ready to suck him dry!...he wanted to come over last night...i told him no...i do not live alone and these things have their cannot rush into must savor them and let the anticipation build a do not gulp a glass of sip..let the fizzy bubbles tickle your tongue and the back of your savor the cool sweetness and let a soft smile play upon your lips...and the bottom of the glass...there is a sliver of a strawberry, heavy with that cool, fizzy sweetness waiting to burst inside your mouth...
"im a terrible lover" he says "but i love going down on a woman...i could do it all day and not cum...because i want her to cum over and over..."
terrible?...because he would cum first...he says this with a chuckle...he isnt bitter or simply is and he doesnt mind because in his words "it is all about making the woman cum"...
i asked him "what if i told you that you could have orgasms without ejaculating?"...he laughed and said it wasnt possible...oh, but it is, i said...he wants to to do takes time, i said...time and patience...if he is looking for a quick answer he wont find it, i said, but if he wants a journey of discovering himself through sex and intimacy, then that is a path that he may want to consider...
we would have time this weekend but i have other can will be good for you to wait, i told him...i could feel him grinning that boyish grin of his...okay... he said...i can wait!...just tell me what to do!
yes, i feel like a vampire prepping the young virgin for his fall into the dark embrace...
what a rush...
the response:
yep, i guess that was a nice post after all!Cg, that would make a tremendous post...Very sensual and very much an erotic story and also a very good one for the girl being in charge. You tell him you have a male friend (me) who personally knows it is possible to orgasm without ejaculating....and when it happens it is so much fun....there are mystics in India who go their whole lives without spilling their seed but orgasm almost on self demand....The journey is often the better part of the trip...The destination is always more disappointing than the travel flyer suggests....Too have a woman control the orgasm and the ejaculation is one of life's true pleasures.....that is why I love it when my wife brings me to the edge and just keeps me there...she does it as much for her first she thought she was depriving me of something...Now she knows she deprives me of the eternal tease if she lets me cum......Yes my lovely vampire, suck the virginity right out of him....deny him what he wants and you will have him eating from your hand......his dick will be your dick...Your toy to take out and play with whenever you want......thanks for sharing with me..
(you really do encounter the neatest people through blogging!)
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