Sunday, December 21, 2008

minor changes

made a few minor changes...i am updating my links list...and...i actually have a follower...everybody give her a wave, i added that to my side bar and i put my top links that i visit the most under "addictions"...if yours isnt on that list, it isnt that i dont love you...i do!...but there are some i check out first and they come to my blog a lot as well...

i am also thinking of other changes, but not sure's like i want to paint the walls...but i have no idea what color...bleh...


4 curious people say...:

Jake said...

Consider yourself followed! Thanks for staying addicted to my blog too ;)

Merlin said...

Whatever you choose, make it something that moves you. We'll be able to tell.

bdenied said...

nerver noticed the followers before and now I r one...Merry Christmas.

curiousgirl said...

@jake - how could i not be addicted??...*fans self*'s like a sauna over there!

@merlin - you know, i cant get over how you always have that calm, strong energy...even in a comment it shows!...

@bdenied - oh yays!...merry christmas to you and msbenied as well!
