Wednesday, December 17, 2008

why do boobies...

...hurt when you get cold...
...feel like they are going to pop sometimes...
...look great in bras but feel better out of them...
...have special names (mitties - man titties; moobs - man boobs) btw, mitties are smaller than moobs...


4 curious people say...:

comfydildo said...

I wish I knew the answers to all these questions. I think the last one though is because boobies have a special place in everyone's heart. They are like children or lovers or something so they get pet names galore. Also, why can't men tell the difference when you ask for a breast massage or to have your nipples played with? They're very different actions for very different purposes!

bdenied said...

why are they called boobs...ever wonder?

curiousgirl said...

@bdenied - because one time this man saw a spectacular set of them...and when he was trying to say "breasts" he said "b-b-b-oobs!"


Percy said...

boobies... lol...
I saw a bumper sticker today..
'save the ta-ta's'

yeah where did the term boobie come from..
i ask my mitties but they don't answer!?! go figure!