1. What do present do you hope ends up under you tree?
honestly...just quiet...gift cards for barnes and noble, itunes...i'd love a few things to be done to my car, but that is something else entirely!
2. What present are you most psyched about giving (PLEASE be vague or ignore this question if the recipient reads your blog)?
nothing really...i get things during the year for people as the whim strikes me...but i am rather pleased with a gift for my mother that i know will make her cry...but then...she ALWAYS cries for everything...
3. DO you prefer to give or receive?
i like giving gifts to people...i am not too keen on receiving because i think i can be hard to shop for...it's true, and i will admit it!...sometimes people will give me gifts and i think...wtf gave this person the idea that i would be even remotely interested in this???...
4. What is your favorite part off a sexual partner's body?
havent i answered this somewhere before??
5. What is your favorite part your body - the one you hope a sexual partner will find or pay the most attention to?
i really enjoy having my hair brushed and played with...it is the softest, most stimulating thing...makes my nipples hard and makes me tingle in so many places ;)...and my neck..although i have a habit of laughing because it is my most ticklish spot!...
Bonus (as in optional): [Idea blatently stolen from Os and hist HNT wishes.] What Christmas wishes would you grant to whom?
i wish that all of you get your wishes this christmas...
4 curious people say...:
your hair and neck...
very stimulating post here!
Quiet . . . that appeals to me. Fortunately I enjoyed some today, along with some time with my lover, Nimue, via cyberspace.
Playing with her hair is something I greatly enjoy doing with Nimue.
@percy - stimulating to me! lol
@merlin - nice that you enjoyed some quiet time with Nimue...that's a nice christmas present!...i bet she loves her hair being played with...
1. no idea....but would love being surprised by something unexpected.
2. no idea....
3. i'll be honest, I like receiving more than giving.....I have a hard time finding gifts for most people.
4. just one thing? lips.
5. hm...perineum I guess....
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