Thursday, May 21, 2009

it's a sunshine day

funny how after a mudslide of a day, things look brighter and more optimistic...or maybe that is my naturally "hopeful" side...a friend recently said she almost called me while she and her bf were in the middle of having sex...wowsa! (you know, i type that word but i have NEVER actually said since it sounds so...dorky..)

she ended up getting the best times to call me if they were so inclined during another evening of sexual play i have this vision of an erotic adult play center where grown-ups can drop by a la mother's day out programs and run around gleefully like children naked, half-naked, fully clothed - whatever the desire may be...

interesting how a little thought jumps around taking shape and form...

this little play center would not be all dark and dimly would be bright with lots of natural light from windows...definitely lots of trees in the area...there would be computer rooms for easy access to various porn sites...small movie theater (with tissue holders and various lubes, etc)...a sauna...a gym area...massage rooms...rooms where couples can play but that will offer voyeurs the opportunity to watch through "false" mirrors (no clue what they are really called and i lack the energy to google it)...a ginormous kitchen with various foods for sex play...a few thematic rooms for role play activities...nothing too heavy with the themed rooms...that would be a different animal all together...

isnt fun when we let our imaginations take flight?...


6 curious people say...:

comfydildo said...

Hmm... I wonder who that friend was!

curiousgirl said...

@comfy - it's a mystery! ;)


comfydildo said...

I think you should give me her number!

bdenied said...

CG: These places exist...they are called swinger clubs....there is one in Miami called "Miami Velvet" and the inside looks almost exactly as you described....One might think you even were at the place...have a great day and keep having those daydreams...

curiousgirl said...

@comfy - i'll txt you with it ;)

@bdenied - hmm...i checked it out, but it's still kinda dark...more natural light...for daytime use mostly...nope, havent been there!


the_beast_within said...

sounds like a wonderful and fun place.