(in lieu of a "real" post, i thought i would try something a little different...i've read other blogs that participate and i thought it would be fun to do...let me know if you think i should keep doing this on tuesdays...here goes!)
1. What do you do that sends a clear signal to your partner that you're interested in an intimate evening?
hmm...that is a tough one...because i think i send opposite signals...confusing i know...but i am very orally fixated, being a talker and all, so i will lick my lips and make them more noticeable...i have been told that my eyes change color a little and my voice changes...
2. How important is foreplay to an exciting evening?
it is EVERYTHING!...i have learned to really extend the arousal time as much as possible...the orgasms are so much better...
3. What is the first thing you do during foreplay or what is the first thing you like done to you?
honestly, i love for my breasts to be played with ...but they are not super sensitive so they require a lot of attention...
4. Are you a one and done kind of partner (20 minutes or so) or do you like intimacy sessions longer than 60 minutes?
hmm...that depends...i am usually the type that wants to talk or rolls over and goes to sleep...the first guy i ever slept with used to want to talk...but i just wanted to sleep...lol
BONUS: If you are interested in sex with a same-sex partner, what would be the first thing you'd like to touch on that other person, and why? (For those already in same sex relationships...what was the first thing you touched, or if you were interested in a relationship with the opposite sex, what would be the first thing you touched?)
same-sex - breasts...well, because i like to touch my own lol
opposite sex - hands...i love the feel of solid hands...they always make me feel so ...small and vulnerable, yet i amazed at how strong they feel...the electricity that can be felt between two hands is incredible...
and that ends this week's TMI!
5 curious people say...:
Sex is first and foremost an activity of the mind, and the arousal of foreplay is essential to relaxing your thoughts and letting your body respond to your partner.
@petitemort - like everything you write, very well put...damn, you have a way with words that breaks everything down into such a simple manner!
licking your lips, extended foreplay, extend the arousal period..
playing with your breasts..
those thoughts make me aroused..
extended arousal period, extending the desire, that sounds amazingly wonderful.. and like petitemort says, lets your body respond to our parter...
thanks for the info... maybe sometime... ;)
If you're ever in arms reach, you're welcome to touch my breasts any time!
1. touching her in ways I know she likes, and my eyes tend to change color a bit, and my voice will sometimes change.
2. VERY....I love extended foreplay, beginning even before we're together, in the mind, then the body, all over it....
4. It depends...sometimes I want/need the sex and then sleep...but sometimes when I"m wanting to explore, try new things, play, or just keep pushing things as far as they can go, I won't stop till we have to.
bonus: same-sex: no idea, maybe hands?
opposite sex: neck, breasts, or hair....
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