First names and approximate age is fine too many of you aren't anonymous and too many of you wish to stay anonymous.
1. Who and when was your first crush?
my first crush was a boy in my kindergarten class named danny...*sighs*...he was sooo cute with his blue jean jacket...
2. Who and when was your first date?
my first date...lol...i was in the eighth grade...his name was robert...and it was a school dance...we met in the school cafeteria and he had a flower for me...but we didnt dance until the end because all the boys were on one side and all the girls were on the other...lol...it was funny tho...and at the end he walked me to my parents' car and gave me a kiss...it was sweet...
3. Who and when was your first kiss?
does the answer to #3 count??
4. Who and when was your first partner while "fooling around" in car?
his name was tim...we were both 18....and i didnt have a single clue he liked me until other people pointed it out...he was driving me home from the movies one night...and we spent some time in the parking lot...then there was "lovers' lane"...yes, where i come from there is an actual "lovers' lane"...it is a street that dead ends into a duck pond...oh, that brings back so many memories...
5. Who and when was your first partner while "fooling around" in a house?
hell, i dont think i can remember that one...must not have been a good experience! lol
6. Who and when was your first love?
ben...i still remember the last time i saw him...although, i dont know what kind of love it was, really...
Bonus: Who's blog did you first comment on?
it was a long time ago and i dont think they keep it up anymore...sharingdee...anyone remember that blog?...
happy tuesday!
4 curious people say...:
Yeah I remember it....and its always someone telling us someone has a crush on us...that always seems to go over our heads
It's funny how we men can sometimes be so bad at sharing real feelings. ALmost makes me long for the days of sending notes with the like me or not check box.
sharingdee . . . it's strange what a short life most blogs have. We remember 2006 like it was the Jurassic period.
1. the older (16 or so?) teenage girl Jenn who watched us during the summer, when I was like 8 or so, I don't remember exactly.
2. first date....I was in 7th grade...I remember my dad driving us to the movies with us in the back seat holding hands....when we dropped her off and I kissed her on the cheek, he asked me why I didn't go for more.....
3. um, the girl from #1....the lil perv. LOL
4. hm.....I think that was Jan, I was I think 15 or so...her parents had taken us to the movies then let us stay in the car for 5 minutes till my dad picked me up.
when I was driving, I had found my own private place for parking no one knew about, had it all to myself, no chance for getting caught, and had so many experiences there.....
5. hm, I don't know that I remember.
6. 6th grade, Mindy....I wanted to run away with her....girl teased me into tumescence without even trying more times than I can remember, including while in class.
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